Heap Stabilization and Safety.

Large gold and copper heap piles suffer due to reduced pad and lift inconsistent settlement. As piles are made, pile material can vary greatly and cause stability issues from decreased permeability yielding increased dry pockets, inefficient drainage, and inter-heap solution retention which adds exponentially to stability risk from these problems. 

JEX services directly addresses these problems. Through a patterned and carefully designed JEX services, heap piles achieve better internal heap wetting coupled with a more complete drainage recovery allowing material of the heap pile to be leached more evenly throughout the entire pile. This increased safety and stability also contribute to stable heap piles in continued mining and heap leach activity. 

JEX services are dedicated to high value for our clients, but stability and safety are paramount.

Let’s get started

Interested in JEX services?
Start with your heap assessment.

Click here and fill our short heap survey to get us familiar with your heap, operations, issues and challenges.