Acclerated Reclamation & Recovery Of Heap Operations.

Towards the end of life for gold, silver, and copper heaps is an optimal time to consider a JEX service program to accelerate the draw down of trapped or remaining metal inventory.  All large pit low grade ore based heaps with gold, copper, silver, resource that is traditional leached through reagent is a candidate.  JEX has performed numerous investigations, characterizations, and operations programs on heaps finding, with age, many heaps are challenged with trapped inventory, trapped reagent, and inefficient drainage. This slowed efficiency leads to long timelines of reclamation with diminishing returns. JEX services provide tremendous value at this point in the heap leach operation and reclamation process towards end of life. 

Long term surface irrigation is unlikely to provide the timelines necessary for sustainable heap operations and proper reclamation recovery.

Faster Bond Recovery

By adding JEX services to the reclamation period of a gold, copper, or silver heap operation provides a significant catalyst to timelines and regulatory success for full bond recovery. 

Accelerated end of life Closure

Remove optimal levels of metal inventory in a shorter amount of time, while speeding up baseline operation times without significant overhead or capital increases translates directly to better economics and financials during the closure or mining operations. 

Reduced Environmental Impact

When accelerating the mine closure, the environment is saved from extended reclamation timelines and inefficient burdens placed on mine owners to environmentally recover the project. 

Advances in geophysical technologies have created new opportunities for enhanced secondary metal recovery in the mining industry.

Let’s get started

Interested in JEX services?
Start with your heap assessment.

Click here and fill our short heap survey to get us familiar with your heap, operations, issues and challenges.